Parent Payments

At Araluen, we have high expectations that children will be challenged and supported in their education. We are proud of the excellent growth in student achievement and, to this end, we require support from the school community via Essential Student Learning Items and Voluntary Contributions. We give high priority to important areas such as English, Numeracy, Music and STEM - areas of study that require help in funding to resource satisfactorily.


F-6 Parent Payment Arrangements


Payments can be made via electronic transfer, cash or card.


School Banking Details


National Australia Bank
BSB:        083-001
Account:  755-366-051


Please use STUDENT'S full name as reference for any electonic payments to ensure payment is receipted to your account.


Please contact the office on 5144 2111 for assistance.

Araluen Primary School

Postal Address: 81-99 Patten Street, Sale Victoria 3850, Australia

Tel:  03 5144 2111
